Help Centre | Arrival and departure

How do I get to Paradise Street?

From Liverpool John Lennon Airport: The airport is on average around 25 minutes drive from Cove - Paradise Street. If your planning to use public transport the 80A, 82A & 500 take you from the Airport straight to Liverpool Central Station, from there it's only a short walk to the property.

From Liverpool Central Station: Exit the station onto Ranelagh St. and take a left. Walk for a few minutes until you reach the Premier Inn, cross the road turining right up College Lane. Take a left onto Manesty's Lane before tunring left around the corner of Urban Outfitters onto Paradise St. Look for a glass front directly accross from Guess Clothing and you'll see Cove - Paradise Street. Enter the door and head up the stairs to check in on the 2nd floor. 

From Liverpool One Bus Station: Exit the station onto Canning Place towards Custom House. Continue straight over the roundabout onto Hanover St. From there turn left onto Paradise St. again look for a glass front accross from Guess Clothing and head up to the 2nd floor to check in.

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